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URGENT!!How to collect tickets when I booking from here?
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Poster name :
Elviy Lim
I planing to buy a musical concert tickets held on 3rd August! May I know how I collect the tickets? Will be the email comfirmation like E-tickets?

Coz is quite urgent,hope to receive your reply soon!

Regard with thanks,
Elviy Lim
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Hello Elviy,

Confirmation e-mails do not act like E-tickets and you will need a physical ticket to attend the show.

After booking and purchasing your tickets through our site, you can pick up your tickets by bringing your reservation number and identification to the ticket counter on the day of the show.

Ticket pick-up is available 1 hour prior to the show. Please note that tickets can only be picked up once and cannot be re-issued if they are lost or stolen.

Best regards,
Visit Seoul