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Solarium City

111, Deongneung-ro, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul 01069 South Korea
See why so many travelers make Solarium City their hotel of choice when visiting Seoul. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a budget friendly setting with an array of amenities designed for travelers like you. Guest rooms offer amenities such as air conditioning, and guests can go online with free wifi offered by the hotel. Solarium City features a 24 hour front desk and baggage storage, to help make your stay more enjoyable. If you are driving to Solarium City, free parking is available. Close to some of Seoul's most popular landmarks, such as 4.19 Memorial Cemetery (1.4 mi) and Yeongchwisa (2.0 mi), Solarium City is a great destination for tourists. If you like Italian restaurants, Solarium City is conveniently located near Bistro Slow. Seoul is also known for some great architectural buildings, including Changdeokgung Palace, Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), and Deoksugung, which are not too far from Solarium City. We’re sure you’ll enjoy your stay at Solarium City as you experience all of the things Seoul has to offer.

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Directions Details
버스도착정보 안내
버스 번호 도착 정보
111, Deongneung-ro, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul 01069 South Korea

Tripadvisor Reviews

Traveler RatingRating:4.0 (Based on 4 Traveler)

Latest 4 reviews of Solarium City

  • 깨끗하고 아늑한곳
    위치가 역에서 조금 걷긴하지만 바로앞에 편의점과 호텔안에 프론트옆 작은 마트도있어서 간단한식사도가능해요 청소도 잘되어있고 한쪽벽이 전부창문이라 굉장히 뷰가좋아요 단점은 특별히없는데 단체손님이 오면 조금시끄러운정도예요
    트립어드바이저 Rating:5
    MIJINJ25 2017-11-19
  • Ok, gute Anbindung
    Zimmer war groß, hatte 3 Betten (Einzel und Doppelbett ) Waschmaschine und Spüle, war also eher ein kleines Appartment. Sauberkeit geht besser. Boden und was man direkt sieht war ok, aber z. B. auf...
    트립어드바이저 Rating:3
    124ralfb 2016-03-04
  • 交通還算方便的地方
    整個旅館只有一部電梯, 所以上下樓要花非常久的時間等待. 房間裏有小廚房, 但是洗衣機和爐子都不能使用. 房間內有地熱式暖氣, 但是不怎麼通風, 所以暖氣開了以後很熱. 浴廁只有用玻璃跟房間隔開, 所以洗澡的時候水氣會跑到房間. 早餐非常簡單, 只有粥, 飯, 炒蛋, 小熱狗, 炒豆芽菜, 泡菜, 烤土司. 飲料只有三合一咖啡包, 和水. 優點是他就在市中心, 所以很方便購買食物...
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