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The-K Hotel Seoul

70, Baumoe-ro 12-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul South Korea
The-K Hotel Seoul is a 105,000 square meter deluxe hotel with 252 rooms, banquet hall, convention center, wedding hall, and art hall, offering a cenvenient and comfortable location in the city the everyone can enjoy. We are located at th heart of Gangnam, Seoul about 70minutes(80km) from Incheon International Airport,surrounded by shops and various entertaninment attractions. You can also enjoy the peace and beauty of the nature at the nearby Yangjae citizen's Forest and Mt. Umyeon, which is alongside Yangjaecheon(stream)

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Directions Details
버스도착정보 안내
버스 번호 도착 정보
70, Baumoe-ro 12-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul South Korea

Tripadvisor Reviews

Traveler RatingRating:3.5 (Based on 118 Traveler)

Latest 5 reviews of The-K Hotel Seoul

  • 古いが綺麗でサービスの良いホテル
    少々年季が感じられる建物でしたが清掃が行き届いておりとても綺麗でした。 特に部屋のカーペットはふわふわで綺麗で高級ホテルにいるようでした。 ソウル中心部からは離れていますがyangjae citizen...
    트립어드바이저 Rating:5
    mokasolotrip 2019-09-10
  • Fine stay
    I stayed two nights in this hotel and enjoyed my stay. Good breakfast without having to wait. Helpful staff. Elevators are OK but three elevators on the left and three on the right that don't talk to...
    트립어드바이저 Rating:4
    bcsanders 2019-07-10
  • Educational Stay
    The K Hotel Seoul was the site of the 4th ASIA FUTURE CONFERENCE attended by delegates from different countries where I represented the Philippines and delivered a technical paper. The Hotel has...
    트립어드바이저 Rating:4
    Antonio M 2019-07-02
  • The only place in Seoul without a functional internet?
    I have read the South Korea has the fastest internet in the world, but the bandwidth of this place is like from the 90s - it's completely useless all around the hotel. The rooms have a feel like an...
    트립어드바이저 Rating:2
    Hulivili 2018-09-13
  • Not bad but star rating is wrong
    Hotel is cleanish. Hotel restaurant is good. Food is made well, some American style foods available. Quiet area. Rooms are nothing special and definitely 3 star quality (based on us standards).Staff...
    트립어드바이저 Rating:3
    ricka577 2018-05-26