Seoul's Museums: Getting to Know Seoul

Seoul's Museums: Getting to Know Seoul
Museums are spaces that are packed with a region’s history, culture, and life, while also tell of a region’s origins and paths that were taken to achieve its current landscape, the culture of the locals, and various anecdotes about travel destinations.Thisis the very reason as to why it’s so critical to visit local museums prior to embarking on an exciting vacation and travels.
Fortunately, there are plenty of museums in Seoul. In fact, there are actually many museums, each with a different theme. Not only is there a museum that introduces the lives of those who lived in the Seoul region during the Neolithic Age, but thereisalso a museum that captures the era of rapid growth of the country‘s modernization. There is a museum that provides visitors a peak into the daily lives of common residents living in present-day Seoul, and also a museum that presents the traditional culture that has been passed down from generation to generation. Seoul is home to museums that are based on a truly wide array of themes, and we would like to introduce a few of the more notable ones. Choose among the following Seoul-based themes that catch your eye for the perfect opportunity to become more familiar with the nature and history of Seoul.

Amsa-dong Prehistoric Site
When did human civilization begin in Seoul? Where is the city’s oldest village and what form did it originally take? Such questions can be answered in Amsa-dong, Gangdong-gu, more specifically, at the Amsa-dong Prehistoric Site in Seoul. The site is completewithtraces of life dating back to the Neolithic Age, and serves as the oldest site in Seoul with signs of the communal lifestyle that has been preserved to this day. Now, let’s hop in a time machine and travel back in time to the Neolithic Age.
Here, the Neolithic Age, which was six thousand years ago, unfolds before your eyes. Nine dugout huts were restored over actually excavated sites to fully realize their original form. The Prehistoric Experience Classroom was formed for a closer look intolifeduring prehistoric times. Stroll through the historical site to travel back through time to the Neolithic Age.
The museum features various relics that offer information on the lives of the Neolithic people. There are relics that are unique to the Neolithic Age, such as comb-patterned pottery, stone knives, and stone axes that were sharpened on one side, and grindingstonesandmilling stones that were used to grind or split acorns and other gathered foods. Visitors can enjoy comparing the detailed development of comb-patterned pottery in different parts of the world. The museum also has a hands-on zone for children.

- ·Telephone: +82- 2-3425-6520
- · Closed: Mondays & January 1 (Facilities will be closed on the first weekday following all holidays that fall on a Monday)

Presseum, Newspaper Museum
The Presseum is the nation’s first newspaper museum and is operated by Korea’s newspaper giant, Dong-A Ilbo. It offers visitors a clear glance into the history of Korean newspapers over the span of 130 years, starting with the country’s first modern newspaper, HanseongSunbo, which was published domestically for the first time in 1883.
Taking a step into the museum, visitors are greeted by 66 newspapers from around the globe published on January 1, 2000, introducing the start of the 21st century. The exhibition displays the cultures and features of newspapers from around the world thatrangin the new millennium. The sections, History of Newspapers, examines the history of Korean newspapers, fully laying out the history of rapid change throughout the Korean Peninsula during the late 19th century.
This exhibition is followed by the front pages of newspapers reporting on important events in Korea and extra pieces covering headline news. One section of the hall displays a reporter’s desk, a pivotal site for a newspaper, together with newspaper printing equipment that steadily evolved in line with technological developments. Advertisements, illustrations, photos, and comics infused with the cultural aspects of the times provide a peak into the interests of the people by time period.

- ·Telephone: +82- 2-2020-1880
- · Admissions: General KRW 4,000 / Students (Up through university) KRW 3,000

Hanyangdoseong, Seoul City Wall Museum
Four mountains protect the former capital, Hanyang, where the palaces of Joseon are clustered. Along these mountain ridges exists a city wall, which passes through Sungnyemun Gate and Heunginjimun Gate, followed by Sukjeongmun Gate and the site whereDonuimunGate once stood. Also known as part of the Hanyangdoseong, the Seoul City Wall, it was all built to protect the capital during the early Joseon period. Hanyangdoseong is one of Korea’s representative historical properties that encompasses Seoul’shistoryand culture, starting from the Joseon period until the present day.
The Seoul City Wall Museum is a museum based on the city fortress. The museum thoroughly introduces Hanyang, the capital of Joseon, while explaining the details of the story surrounding Hanyangdoseong. It all begins just after the founding of Joseon andtheestablishment of the capital in Hanyang, followed by the construction of the Hanyangdoseong, itself, in the vicinity. The museum also depicts images of the people who lived within the walls, along with stories of foreign invasions and modernization that stripped the city wall of its original purpose, leading to its currently ongoing restoration project. Visitors are offered a complete history of Hanyangdoseong, serving as a reflection of the 600-year Joseon period.
After visiting the museum, we recommend taking a stroll around the Naksan Mountain section of Hanyangdoseong and Heunginjimun Gate, which connects to the backside of the city wall. This course will offer you an entirely different view of the beautiful SeoulCity Wall.

- ·Telephone: +82- 2-724-0243

Bukchon Museum Old Fragrance
Bukchon was originally a village of the yangban , or the nobility, home to royalty and nobles. Life was good for the people of this village, thanks to its proximity to Gyeongbokgung Palace. In the late 19th century, Joseon fell, as did the conditions of those who resided in Bukchon. Places of residence in Bukchon eventually started being sold off, while spatial houses once occupied by dignitaries were torn down and replaced by several small homes that became the residence of country people who were moving into Hanyang (Gyeongseong) at the time, seekingouta new life. Bukchon’s houses became what they are today because of the events that took place about a hundred years ago.
The lives of the village people living in Bukchon from that period onward to the present day remain encapsulated within the Bukchon Museum Old Fragrance. This museum is filled to the brim with furniture and a variety of objects that commonly furnishedhomes40-50 years ago. The museum summons memories of drawers inlaid with mother-of-pearl that couples brought to their new homes after getting married, typewriters and rubber shoes, pots and millstones, cast iron pots, sticks for beating and smoothingcloth,abacuses, and other miscellaneous goods. Personal stories embedded in each collection of traditional hanboks and jukbuins are extremely impressive. Visitors can even touch most of the objects that are on display. Although the museum lacks any fancy décor, it offers in-depth anecdotes of the people who lived, and still live, in Bukchon Hanok Village.

- ·Telephone: +82- 2-736-3957
- ·Admissions: KRW 3,000

The lonely hanok that sits by Jogyesa Temple was built in the 16th century, just after the Japanese invasion of Korea. It is the oldest existing government building to stand outside the royal palace. At first, the hanok was originally intended for use as a jeonuigam , or the palace’s medical office, which had an equivalent standing to a national hospital. There are records stating that it was used as lodging for envoys from Japan. The name, Ujeongchongguk, was given to this government office because of its postal services in 1884. The king at the time demanded the direct enforcement of postal services, which was one of the duties of the modern administrative system. As a result, the Ujeongchongguk was established here, marking the start of the postal business.
Ujeongchongguk is a building that encompasses the phases of the late Joseon period, which was a time of great turbulence. The Gapsin Coup of the radical Enlightenment Party occurred here in 1884, while the anti-Japanese mass rally led by the Korea PreservationSocietyalso occurred at Ujeongchongguk. It is said that Chungdong School, the cradle of national historical studies, also held classes here.
The Ujeongchongguk building is currently used as a museum that exhibits articles, which tell stories of its early establishment. Centered around the bust of Hong Young-sik, the first postmaster general, known as the father of Korea’s postal services,themuseumfeaturesdocuments and relics of postal duties that were in place almost one hundred years ago.

- ·Telephone: +82- 2-734-8369
- · Closed: January 1, Lunar New Year’s Day, Chuseok Holiday

Waterworks Museum
What marks the beginning of Korea’s tap water history? Ttukseom Island holds the answer to this somewhat peculiar question. The island is where Korea’s first modern waterworks facility was once located. The Waterworks Museum was completed in 1908 andisarecreated space of a section of the Ttukdo Reservoir Purification Plant I that supplied tap water to the areas within the four mains gates and Yongsan.
The old water pump station, a building made of red bricks, was preserved and is now used as the head office of the Waterworks Museum. The signboard that hung at the entrance upon completion of construction and the sign on the outer wall displaying theyearsofconstruction are kept intact to display its 110-year history. Inside, equipment that used to pull water from the Hangang River into Ttukdo Reservoir Purification Plant I is on exhibit, along with a transparent floor for a look into the valveslaying under the building.
The Annex Building is home to an introduction centered around the old waterworks culture. The Water and Environment Exhibition Hall is an educational space for learning about the value of water through the natural environment and human life. The inner workings of the Slow Filtration Basin, one of the old water purifying facilities, are also open to the public. This facility is the oldest of the reinforced concrete structures that exist in Korea today.

- ·Telephone: +82- 02-3146-5921

Multiculture Museum
What do you say to a trip around the world without having to leave Seoul? You can leave your passport at home without it bothering to book a flight! There is just one thing you need to show Immigration when leaving for this global expedition an readinesstounderstand and enjoy various cultures from around the world. If you are ready, head over to the Multiculture Museum in Eunpyeong-gu. Exhibits and experiences that offer insight into traditions and cultures of countries around the world await you.
The Multiculture Museum is a space that shares a plethora of cultural stories while offering more than just an appreciation of foreign objects as it heightens people’s understanding of one another through discussion and listening in on the different backgroundofeachartifact. Foreign teachers volunteer to help visitors with this process, offering explanations of the exhibitions while visitors naturally gain an understanding of and interest in other cultures.
The Multiculture Museum also offers regular experiential programming for visitors to experience world cultures first hand. Seasonal and regular programming are in operation every weekend.

- ·Telephone: +82- 2-323-6848
- · Closed: Sundays, Lunar New Year’s, Chuseok Holiday, and other dates designated by the museum director

Seoul Museum of Korean Folk Music
The founders of this museum visited 20,000 individuals from 904 villages in 139 cities and districts to collect their sounds and put them on display. The nation’s first folk music museum, Seoul Museum of Korean Folk Music, recently opened its doors acrossthestreetfrom Changdeokgung Palace’s Donhwamun Gate and offers a space to appreciate and learn about Korea’s traditional folk music and songs passed down throughout the eight provinces in Korea.
The permanent exhibition is organized under the theme, Living through Korean Folk Songs. The exhibit introduces songs embedded in the lives of Koreans at work, during off hours, and even during ceremonies. The museum’s way of presenting “sound“ is quiteunique.The museum is home to a sound system that plays different versions of traditional Korean tunes recorded around the country. An interactive video that moves in harmony with each tune is on display to heighten the immersion of visitors. Experientialfacilitiesalso make for a fascinating encounter that turns traditional beats into a rhythmical game.
This space does more than act as a museum as it provides the opportunity for some leisure based on the theme of folk music. Anyone can easily access and listen to traditional folk music in the Audio Room, while the Archive Room is equipped with books,CDplayers, and a reference desk for a closer peek into folk music.

- ·Telephone: +82- 2-742-2600
- · Closed: Mondays, January 1, Official holidays (Lunar New Year’s Day, Chuseok Holiday)

National Theater of Korea, Museum of Performing Arts
Asia’s first national theater sits at the bottom of Seoul’s Namsan Mountain. Established in 1950, the National Theater of Korea recreates 70 years of traditional Korean arts to keep pace with contemporary trends, introducing them to the world stage.Themuseumpresents performances year-round, from pansori and changgeuk , traditional dance, and orchestral music, to operas and contemporary dance.
The Museum of Performing Arts is located in the National Theater of Korea’s annex building, Byeoloreum Theater. The museum offers a compilation of the 70-year history of the National Theater. Performance arts materials are introduced thematically by genresof plays, dance, changgeuk , operas, and pansori. The museum also introduces the roots of Korean and international performing arts, their processes of development, and even varied historical angles. The space provides a look into artists’ work spaces and interesting behind-the-scene stories of what happensbackstage, things typically difficult to access among audiences. Visitors can also take in the unique and colorful costumes worn by performers that are on display.

- +82-2-2280-5804
- · Closed: Mondays & January 1
#ArtMuseum #TheArts #Gangdong #PerformingArts #Ujeongchongguk #WaterworksMuseum #Jongno #Presseum #SeoulArt #Art #Amsadong #MulticultureMuseum #Hanyangdoseong #Seoul #Museum #FolkMusicMuseum
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(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다. - 경복궁, 창덕궁, 창경궁, 덕수궁 35인 이상 관람 시, 해당 궁궐 사이트에서 15일 전 단체 입장신청이 필요합니다. (2014.1.1.부터 시행)
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- 미세먼지 비상저감조치 발령 및 기타 기상악화(폭염, 태풍, 폭우 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다. (관광일 전날 기준)
예약 전 안내사항
- 예약은 관광일 기준 최소 1주일 전까지 가능합니다.
- 덕수궁의 경우 복지카드를 지참한 관광객에 한하여 무료입장이 가능합니다.
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- 희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다.
- 예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6025-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.
- 해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.
- 미세먼지 비상저감조치 발령 및 기타 기상악화(폭염, 태풍, 폭우 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다. (관광일 전날 기준)
예약 전 안내사항
- 예약은 관광일 기준 최소 1주일 전까지 가능합니다.
- 덕수궁의 경우 복지카드를 지참한 관광객에 한하여 무료입장이 가능합니다.
※ 중증(1~3급) 동반인 포함 2명 무료
※ 경증(4~6급) 장애인 본인 1인만 무료 - 본 프로그램은 수화해설 중심으로 진행되며, 수화가 불가능한 경우 이용이 불가합니다.
- 희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다.
- 예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6025-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.
(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다. - 해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.
- 미세먼지 비상저감조치 발령 및 기타 기상악화(폭염, 태풍, 폭우 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다. (관광일 전날 기준)
예약 전 안내사항
- 예약은 관광일 기준 최소 1주일 전까지 가능합니다.
- 본 코스는 보행약자(거동이 불편한 고령자, 장애인, 유모차 이용자 등)를 위한 코스입니다.
- 보호자를 동반하지 않을 시 이용이 불가능 합니다.※ 보행약자 1명당 보호자 최소 1인 이상 동반
※ 전동보장구(전동휠체어, 전동스쿠터 등) 사용자의 경우 보호자 1인당 보행약자 최대 4인까지 동반 가능
희망하시는 날짜 및 코스에 활동가능한 해설사가 없는 경우 예약은 취소될 수 있습니다. - 예약확인을 위해 도보관광 사무국(02-6025-0777)에서 확인 연락이 진행됩니다.(최소 5일~한달 전)3회 이상 전화통화가 이뤄지지 않을 시 예약이 취소될 수 있습니다.
- 해설 진행 시 발생하는 안전사고에 대해서 도보관광 사무국과 서울문화관광해설사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.
- 미세먼지 비상저감조치 발령 및 기타 기상악화(폭염, 태풍, 폭우 등)로 인해 도보관광 운영이 어려운 경우 모든 예약은 일괄 취소됩니다. (관광일 전날 기준)
Read before Reservation
- Reservation shall be made at least 3 days before the tour day.
- Reservation for the next month is available after 15th of the previous month.
- Reservation may be closed early during weekend, holiday, and peak season in spring and fall.
- Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office and Seoul culture and tourism guide are not liable for the safety accidents during the Seoul Guided Walking Tour.
- Reservation for unaccompanied tourist under 14 will be canceled on site.
- All reservations are canceled when Seoul Guided Walking Tour is unavailable due to Particulate Matter Reduction Measure or other weather conditions (heat wave, typhoon, heavy rain). (As of the date before the tour day)
Read before Reservation
- Reservation shall be made at least 1 week before the tour day.
- The course is for tourists with mobility problems (Senior, people with disability, stroller user).
- You may not use the course without an assistant (or companion)
※ At least one assistant shall accompany a tourist with mobility problem
※ In case of electric assisting device users (electric wheelchair, electric scooter users), one assistant may accompany up to 4 tourists with mobility problem - Reservation may be canceled when a guide is unavailable on the desired date and course.
- Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office (02-6025-0777) will contact you to confirm reservation.
(At least 5 days~1 month before tour day) Reservation may be canceled when Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office cannot reach you for more than 3 times. - Seoul Guided Walking Tour Office and Seoul culture and tourism guide are not liable for the safety accidents during the Seoul Guided Walking Tour.
- All reservations are canceled when Seoul Guided Walking Tour is unavailable due to Particulate Matter Reduction Measure or other weather conditions (heat wave, typhoon, heavy rain). (As of the date before the tour day)
- 观光日基准最少3日前方可进行预约。
- 下个月的预约可从前月15日开始。
- 周末及公休日、春秋旺季的预约可早期结束。
- 进行解说时,对于有可能发生的安全事故,徒步观光事务局和首尔文化观光
解说员概不负责。 - 未伴随保护者的未满14岁儿童游客,会在现场取消观光。
- 因发布微尘紧急低减措施及其他气象恶化(暴热、台风、暴雨等),无法运营 徒步观光时,所有预约会批量取消。
- 观光日基准最少1日前方可进行预约。
- 本线路是为了行动不便者(行动不便的高龄者、残疾人、婴儿车利用者等)的路线。
- 无辅助人员(或同行人)伴随时,不可利用。
※ 步行不便者1名至少需要1名以上的辅助人员陪同。
※ 电动辅助器具(电动轮椅、电动独轮车等)使用者时,每一位辅助人员最多可陪同 4名步行不便者。 - 希望观光的日期及线路上无解说员时,预约有可能被取消。
- 为了确认预约,徒步观光事务局(02-6025-0777)会致电进行确认。
(最少5日~一个月前) 3次以上无法连接时,预约将被取消。 - 进行解说时,对于有可能发生的安全事故,徒步观光事务局和首尔文化观光解说员概不负责。
- 因发布微尘紧急低减措施及其他气象恶化(暴热、台风、暴雨等),无法运营 徒步观光时,所有预约会批量取消。
- 觀光日基準最少3日前方可進行預約。
- 下個月的預約可從前月15日開始。
- 周末及公休日、春秋旺季的預約可早期結束。
- 希望观光的日期及线路上无解说员时,预约有可能被取消。
- 進行解說時,對於有可能發生的安全事故,徒步觀光事務局和首爾文化觀光解說員概不負責。
- 未伴隨保護者的未滿14歲兒童遊客,會在現場取消觀光。
- 因發布微塵緊急低減措施及其他氣象惡化(暴熱、臺風、暴雨等),無法運營 徒步觀光時,所有預約會批量取消。(觀光前日基準)
- 觀光日基準最少1日前方可進行預約。
- 本線路是為了行動不便者(行動不便的高齡者、殘疾人、嬰兒車利用者等)的路線。
※ 步行不便者1名至少需要1名以上的輔助人員陪同。
※ 電動輔助器具(電動輪椅、電動獨輪車等)使用者時,每壹位輔助人員最多可陪同 4名步行不便者。 - 希望觀光的日期及線路上無解說員時,預約有可能被取消。
- 為了確認預約,徒步觀光事務局(02-6025-0777)會致電進行確認。
(最少5日~壹個月前) 3次以上無法連接時,預約將被取消。 - 進行解說時,對於有可能發生的安全事故,徒步觀光事務局和首爾文化觀光 解說員概不負責。
- 因發布微塵緊急低減措施及其他氣象惡化(暴熱、臺風、暴雨等),無法運營 徒步觀光時,所有預約會批量取消。 (觀光前日基準)